Across the motu embracing hard-to-reach Māori communities
Hard-to-reach (H2R) is the name this whānau has taken on to represent their unique challenges. With a focus in suicide prevention, education, and information for their communities to be accessible across Aotearoa..
Finding healing from aggression through spoken expression (Hamilton, Waikato).
As the famous saying from the Waikato goes; “He Piko, He Taniwha’ or, at every bend of the river lies a Taniwha.
Shine, sparkle, glisten, to help someone transition from the darkness to the light (Rotorua).
Manawa Wheriko means to shine, sparkle, glisten, to help someone transition from darkness to the light.
Patua te Taniwha : Building resilience through community events (Rotorua).
Rere ana ngā wai o Rotorua, o Te Arawa waka, ki ngā tai whakahiki i te ngākau o te iwi.
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection. (Tāneatua, Ruatoki & Waikaremoana)
Mana enhancing S.T.O.P is an initiative started by whānau who are concerned about the impacts of Paura Kino use in their community.
Growing Healthy Pēpi to become Healthy Pakeke. (Kawerau, Bay of Plenty)
Mauri Oho is an initiative in Kawerau which focuses on the well- being of whānau and hapū. The Mauri Oho team are determined to build and strengthen the resilience of whānau and hapū to enable them to live the best life that they can.
Tupuna Footsteps Path the Way for Whānau Wellness (Gisborne)
Ko Matahi o te Tau he papakainga Rangimarie. Ki te hokihoki atu ngā uri, kare te marae e noho mokemoke ana, kāre e tū tahanga ana. Nā reira e te whānau, tukuna atu he karakia aroha ki tō tātou ū-kai-pō, a Matahi o te Tau ki Horoera.
Navigating an Island of Success with Wayfinding (Whatawhata)
Wayfinding transposes the principles of celestial navigation and ocean voyaging by ancient and modern Pasifika voyagers into a framework that can be used in a modern context.
From The Puku To The Tail (Turangi to Rerenga Wairua).
In the small town of Turangi, suicides have sent huge waves of grief throughout the community. In the midst of sadness and grief, whānau in this town have come together and are now working hard to build solutions to prevent any future losses from happening.
Transforming from Grief & Loss (Taupō)
A series of five wānanga will take place for whānau living with grief and loss, to develop transformational spaces and enhance strategies around suicide prevention within Whānau, Hapū and Practitioners.