He Korowai : Wellness for Wāhine (Hastings : Heretaunga)
E pūāwai ana tētahi korowai manaaki mō ngā wāhine o Ngāti Kahungunu, anei rā, ‘He Korowai o Ngā Aho Wāhine’.
Whenua Ūkaipō: Ko Au te Whenua, Ko te Whenua ko Au (Waitematā / Te Ara Roa)
Te Whenua Ūkaipō – the place we are from, the place that nourishes the soul, the place we know we belong.
Empowerment, The Pou of Our Whare (Palmerston North).
Teaching life skills is a way Te Mana o Te Tangata Trust believes they can build resilient whānau. Considering the Whāre Tapawhā model in their activities and the four Pou..
Passionate about Māori Whānau Well-being (Hastings : Heretaunga)
Ko Wai Tōu Ingoa is an initiative promoting community action and coordination across different sectors of Heretaunga, to raise awareness of Māori practices in suicide prevention and postvention.
Enabling Rangatahi to be Resilient. (Feilding : Manawatū)
Through whakawhanaungatanga, a strong and motivated whānau team in Counties Manukau have been working to strengthen the connections of rangatahi to whānau, hapū and iwi.
Whānau rongoā a conduit for life.
Lower Hutt is the location of a suicide prevention kaupapa, raising awareness with whānau across their community.
Across the motu embracing hard-to-reach Māori communities
Hard-to-reach (H2R) is the name this whānau has taken on to represent their unique challenges. With a focus in suicide prevention, education, and information for their communities to be accessible across Aotearoa..
Takatāpui experiences, stories and lives (Levin, Manawatū).
The Story-telling with Older Takatāpui initiative is focusing on the life stories of around 10 takatāpui aged over 45.
Planting the seeds of growth as a community (Hastings, Heretaunga)
An initiative at a local Kindergarten in Hastings, called Aroahaatea, is bringing together whānau to develop a community garden.
He Mea Nui Koe!” “You Matter! (Palmerston North)
Right in the heart of the Manawatū an effective suicide prevention initiative called “He Mea Nui Koe”, has been growing with the Best Care (Whakapai Hauora) Charitable Trust team.