Tiaki Whānau Tiaki Ora: Building Whānau Capacity in Suicide Prevention

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Tiaki Whānau – Tiaki Ora, is our programme that deliberately reaches whānau Māori in their homes, and provides tools to build the capacity of whānau to strengthen their wellbeing and resilience in suicide prevention.  Our belief is that whānau have the ability to facilitate and maintain their own wellbeing, prevent suicide and provide their own support to each other. Last month we published an article in Te Mauri Pimatisiwin,  the Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing giving an overview of the first year of delivery. We look forward to sharing more with you about Tiaki Whānau  Tiaki Ora, and the work of the many Whānau  Champions.

Photo. 1 Kaeo Whānau Champions

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