He Korowai o Ngā Aho Wāhine
Hastings : Heretaunga
“E aro koe ki te hā o Hineahuone.”
E pūāwai ana tētahi korowai manaaki mō ngā wāhine o Ngāti Kahungunu, anei rā, ‘He Korowai o Ngā Aho Wāhine’. Translated into English, The Sacred Cloak of Wāhine Māori is an initiative with a tīkanga mārae approach to wellness.
This powerful initiative is focused on tino rangatiratanga, an approach of self-determination in restoring the confidence in wāhine Māori to heal and work through issues they are faced with in their lives. A particular focus is working with wāhine who are on a journey through suicide distress, domestic violence, alcohol, drug addictions or other challenges, to enable them to move through a process of recovery and wellness.
He Korowai o Ngā Aho Wāhine works from a holistic framework, acknowledging the spiritual, emotional, cultural, and material needs of wāhine for overall wellness.
There are different wānanga, platforms and opportunities for wāhine to share their stories. Once their needs are identified, wāhine are supported and encouraged to make positive changes, to seek help when required and utilise solutions (and strategies) that help to sustain long-term wellbeing.
A range of healing and rongoā are offered to participants in the programme, such as mirimiri and mahi a-wairua, which wāhine find very beneficial in their recovery process.
He Korowai o Ngā Aho Wāhine recognizes that a social response is integral in the recovery of the women they work with. Therefore, there is a focus on working with an extended support system, where whānau, workmates, friends, professionals and institutions, within the Ngāti Kahungunu rohe, all have a role in the care and support of the wāhine involved in the programme.
*This whānau initiative is proudly supported by Te Au (and Te Rau Ora) through the Māori Suicide Prevention Fund (2020-2021).
Rutu Aperira
Rutu’s dreams and aspirations come from lived experience following the tragic suicide of her 18year old brother, and she determined to do something to honour his memory and help raise awareness about suicide causations and risks.