Starting Fresh, Healing Wounds, Developing Strong Identities (Kohukohu: Northland).

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Te Tīmata Hou – A New Beginning

Kohukohu : Northland

Te Tīmata Hou – A New Beginning, is a suicide prevention initiative in Northland. Created to support whānau after the loss of a loved one to suicide, their programme targets risk factors (such as grief and addictions) that can contribute to suicidal behaviour.
Set up as a series of wānanga, Te Tīmata Hou is (held over 3 statutory holidays; Labour weekend, Christmas week and Waitangi).  A focal point for the wānanga is to promote whānau ora, which means helping whānau improve their resilience, self-management, and self-determination.   Building trust and creating a safe environment for everyone involved enables whānau to contribute openly and honestly while to strengthening connections and maximising engagement.   Included in wānanga are various workshops which focus on, whakapapa, waiata, whanaungatanga, budgeting and even how to create a CV.
Te Tīmata Hou places great emphasis on whānau capability and leadership, empowering them to acquire knowledge and skills as they move towards their future endeavours.

*This whānau initiative is proudly supported by Te Au (and Te Rau Ora) through the Māori Suicide Prevention

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