Building Independent Warriors through Rongoā (Kaitī : Tairāwhiti)

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Moko Tū Rongo Wānanga 

Kaitī, Tairāwhiti

Moko Tū Rongo wānanga have been running for a number of years throughout Te Tairāwhiti.  These wānanga were initially established due to the immense need for whānau to receive support after many suicides that had occurred in the region.

There are many aspects of the Moko Tū Rongo wānanga that make the experience special and powerful for whānau healing.   A primary focus for Moko Tū Rongo wānanga is to build resilience within whānau to cope with everyday situations and stresses.  With a holistic approach, wānanga focus on teaching whānau how to apply rongoā Māori in everyday lives.   Other healing forms the Moko Tū Rongo wānanga utilise are romiromi, and mind, body and spiritual integration.  Romiromi, a holistic form of massage, works with the whatumanawa, to release stress and draw in vitality, improving mobility and presence.  An experience recommended for all whānau.

Our arts, tā moko, pūrākau, karakia, waiata and whanaungatanga are all rongoā too, and act as a connector to enable journeys of exploration within Te Ao Māori as well as self-discovery, and healing.  The power of ngā Toi Māori to assist with personal healing through addiction and mental health difficulties is acknowledged within the Moko Tū Rongo kaupapa and various forms of visual and performing arts are utilised throughout the programme.

The use of multiple approaches of Te Ao Māori healing and rongoā, have proven to be an effective way to work with Māori whānau towards healing.  Moko Tū Rongo wānanga continue to be an effective pathway for whānau in the community to work through grief and refocus towards wellness in the future.

*This community initiative is proudly supported by Te Au (and Te Rau Ora) through the Māori Suicide Prevention Fund (2020-2021).

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