Rangatahi reclamation for connection and whānau well-being (Turangi : Taupō)

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Healing through connection and whānau well-being
Turangi: Taupō
Living in a rural and slightly isolated community, the Anitana whānau have had lots of difficulties accessing support services. These blocks to accessing adequate support has been a catalyst for the Anitana whānau, towards developing a whānau initiative aimed towards supporting rangatahi and whānau to re-connect to their whakapapa and tribal connections.
The focus for this initiative is to educate rangatahi first and foremost.   Through providing tools, knowledge and resources, rangatahi will be able to identify and support whānau who are at risk of suicide and to know strategies that could prevent potential suicides in the future.
Although based in Turangi, the initiative reaches across Aotearoa, to reconnect whānau to their ancestral home.  Through a process of de-colonisation and reclaiming an identity that was stripped from them, the whakawhānaunga activities actively restore whānau ties for Turangi whānau to their whakapapa and to their ūkaipō.
Activities within this initiative also provide opportunities for whānau to engage in several activities and interventions.   Emphasis is also made on positive ways to work through a process of healing, especially following the loss of a loved one to suicide.
Returning hope and self-love through whānau connection and wellbeing for rangatahi, is the focus of this initiative in an uplifting way to support a vibrant future.  It is a vision that activities such as this can be ongoing, so whānau of Turangi can rebuild their strength, their connection and flourish moving forward into the future.

Organisation:  Anitana Whānau Trust
*This whānau initiative is proudly supported by Te Au (and Te Rau Ora) through the Māori Suicide Prevention Fund (2020-2021).

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