Enabling Rangatahi to be Resilient. (Feilding : Manawatū)
Through whakawhanaungatanga, a strong and motivated whānau team in Counties Manukau have been working to strengthen the connections of rangatahi to whānau, hapū and iwi.
Reconnecting the Future Generations to Whakapapa. (Hauraki & Tāmaki)
There is a beauty in reconnecting generations of whanaunga to their whakapapa.
Rangatahi reclamation for connection and whānau well-being (Turangi : Taupō)
Living in a rural and slightly isolated community, the Anitana whānau have had lots of difficulties accessing support services.
Healing Through Tikanga and Te Ao Māori (Murihiku: Southland).
A whānau centric approach aims to provide support for Māori whānau, hapu, and iwi that experience suicide risks and or are bereaved by suicide.