Te Haa Ora : The Breath of Life
E Tū te Taitokerau Trust
E pupuri ana ki TE HĀ ORA kia rārangahia te maia, te kaha, me te manawanui.
The breath of life is so important as we depend on it for all we do in life. It starts with one breath and we live till our last so as Tāne Māhuta further gifts us with the Haa of life that was passed down to us through Hine-Ahu-One. Life is such a sacred gift, we should not take this gift lightly.
Appropriately named ‘Te Haa Ora’, this project is making movements in the Northland region to help prevent suicide. As the name of the project denotes, a particular importance in this project is placed on acknowledging the sacred breath, the sanctity of life as a treasured gift.
Through this project a series of wānanga are helping whānau and individuals to build an inclusive Māori community and strengthen resilience in individuals. In addition to the wānanga, there are weekly support groups that are facilitated by delegated Whānau Champions. At least five of these groups, meet on multiple given nights, in Kaikohe and Whangarei.
These wānanga build on understanding the support systems and resources that are available for whānau, which in turn improves resilience, wellbeing and safety across the community, in particular for whānau going through trauma related to suicide.
These hui are an opportunity to share experiences as one, to support Māori whānau and hapū to release their mamae and move forward together as one.
Initiative: TE HAA ORA PROJECT (The Breath of life)
*This Community initiative is proudly supported by Te Au (and te Rau Ora) through the Māori Suicide Prevention Fund 2020 – 2021.